Langshung Forest Block on the map, India
Where is located Langshung Forest Block
Exact location — Langshung Forest Block, Kokrajhar, Assam, India, marked on the map with a red marker.
Langshung Forest Block, India coordinates in decimal format: latitude — 26.6365143, longitude — 90.3366009. When converted to degrees, minutes, seconds Langshung Forest Block has the following coordinates: 26°38′11.45 north latitude and 90°20′11.76 east longitude.
Exact time
Time zone for this location Langshung Forest Block — UTC +5.5 Asia/Calcutta. Exact time — monday, 12 december 2024 year, 19 h. 49 minutes.
Sunrise and sunset
Langshung Forest Block, sunrise and sunset data for a date — monday 2.12.2024.
Sunrise | Sunset | Day (duration) |
06:03 +1 minute | 16:32 -0 minutes | 10 h. 30 minutes. -1 minute |
You can control the scale of the map using the auxiliary tools to find out exactly where it is located Langshung Forest Block. When you change the scale of the map, the width of the ruler also changes (in kilometers and miles).
Nearby cities
The largest cities that are located nearby:
- Guwahati — 149 km
- Jalpaiguri — 159 km
- Saidpur (Bangladesh) — 171 km
- Jamalpur (Bangladesh) — 193 km
- Shillong — 194 km
- Dinajpur (Bangladesh) — 203 km
- Mymensingh (Bangladesh) — 209 km
- Bogra (Bangladesh) — 221 km
- Sylhet (Bangladesh) — 245 km
- Tangail (Bangladesh) — 268 km
- Nagarpur (Bangladesh) — 289 km
- Bhairab Bazar (Bangladesh) — 294 km
- Narsingdi (Bangladesh) — 303 km
- Rajshahi (Bangladesh) — 305 km
- Pabna (Bangladesh) — 311 km
- Dhaka (Bangladesh) — 313 km
- Agartala — 325 km
- Kushtia (Bangladesh) — 327 km
- Narayanganj (Bangladesh) — 334 km
Distance to neighboring capitals:
- Thimphu (Bhutan) — 116 km
- Dhaka (Bangladesh) — 314 km
- Kathmandu (Nepal) — 509 km
- Hanoi (Vietnam) — 1694 km
- Islamabad (Pakistan) — 1833 km
- Kabul (Afghanistan) — 2203 km
- Colombo (Sri Lanka) — 2456 km
- Khan-Uul (Mongolian) — 2749 km
- Beijing (China) — 2822 km
- Astana (Kazakhstan) — 3159 km
- Pyongyang (North Korea) — 3558 km
- Tehran (Iran) — 3811 km
- Moscow (Russia) — 5286 km
Distance to the capital
Distance to the capital (New Delhi) is about — 1312 km.