Malka on the map, Russian Federation
Where is located Malka
Exact location — Malka, Elizovskiy rayon, Kamchatskiy kray, Russia, marked on the map with a red marker.
Malka, Russian Federation coordinates in decimal format: latitude — 53.327888, longitude — 157.464996. When converted to degrees, minutes, seconds Malka has the following coordinates: 53°19′40.4 north latitude and 157°27′53.99 east longitude.
Exact time
Time zone for this location Malka — UTC +12 Asia/Anadyr. Exact time — monday, 12 december 2024 year, 15 h. 00 minutes.
Sunrise and sunset
Malka, sunrise and sunset data for a date — monday 16.12.2024.
Sunrise | Sunset | Day (duration) |
09:44 -0 minutes | 17:06 -0 minutes | 7 h. 24 minutes. -0 minutes |
You can control the scale of the map using the auxiliary tools to find out exactly where it is located Malka. When you change the scale of the map, the width of the ruler also changes (in kilometers and miles).
Nearby cities
The largest cities that are located nearby:
- Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy — 86 km
- Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk — 1315 km
- Komsomolsk-on-Amur — 1469 km
- Kitami (Japan) — 1510 km
- Asahikawa (Japan) — 1603 km
- Obihiro (Japan) — 1630 km
- Ebetsu (Japan) — 1712 km
- Khabarovsk — 1725 km
- Sapporo (Japan) — 1727 km
- Yakutsk — 1730 km
- Otaru (Japan) — 1737 km
- Tomakomai (Japan) — 1750 km
- Hakodate (Japan) — 1881 km
- Hachinohe (Japan) — 1952 km
- Aomori (Japan) — 1967 km
- Hirosaki (Japan) — 2004 km
- Morioka (Japan) — 2048 km
- Akita (Japan) — 2108 km
- Hegang (China) — 2140 km
Distance to neighboring capitals:
- Pyongyang (North Korea) — 2877 km
- Seoul (South Korea) — 2919 km
- Beijing (China) — 3413 km
- Khan-Uul (Mongolian) — 3562 km
- Astana (Kazakhstan) — 5494 km
- Hanoi (Vietnam) — 5635 km
- Kathmandu (Nepal) — 6412 km
- Helsinki (Finland) — 6710 km
- Tallinn (Estonia) — 6786 km
- Mariehamn (Åland Islands) — 6851 km
- Stockholm (Sweden) — 6980 km
- Rīga (Latvia) — 7045 km
- Oslo (Norway) — 7080 km
- Vilnius (Lithuania) — 7229 km
- Minsk (Belarus) — 7231 km
- Kyiv (Ukraine) — 7458 km
- Warsaw (Poland) — 7603 km
- Tbilisi (Georgia) — 7651 km
- Yerevan (Armenia) — 7802 km
- Tehran (Iran) — 7840 km
- Prague (Czech Republic) — 8009 km
- Bucharest (Romania) — 8204 km
Distance to the capital
Distance to the capital (Moscow) is about — 6705 km.