Lekarstvennoye on the map, Krym
Where is located Lekarstvennoye
Exact location — Lekarstvennoye, Simferopolskiy rayon, Krym, marked on the map with a red marker.
Lekarstvennoye coordinates in decimal format: latitude — 44.9434791, longitude — 33.8223538. When converted to degrees, minutes, seconds Lekarstvennoye has the following coordinates: 44°56′36.52 north latitude and 33°49′20.47 east longitude.
Exact time
Time zone for this location Lekarstvennoye — UTC +3 Europe/Simferopol. Exact time — wednesday, 12 december 2024 year, 19 h. 09 minutes.
Sunrise and sunset
Lekarstvennoye, sunrise and sunset data for a date — wednesday 11.12.2024.
Sunrise | Sunset | Day (duration) |
08:16 +1 minute | 16:59 -0 minutes | 8 h. 42 minutes. -1 minute |
You can control the scale of the map using the auxiliary tools to find out exactly where it is located Lekarstvennoye. When you change the scale of the map, the width of the ruler also changes (in kilometers and miles).
Nearby cities
The largest cities that are located nearby:
- Simferopol — 22 km
- Sevastopol — 43 km
- Yevpatoriya — 45 km
- Kherson — 208 km
- Kerch — 211 km
- Melitopol' — 239 km
- Odessa (Ukraine) — 291 km
- Nikopol' (Ukraine) — 293 km
- Berdyans'k — 301 km
- Novorossiysk — 310 km
- Kryvyi Rih (Ukraine) — 330 km
- Bender (Moldova) — 390 km
- Dniprodzerzhyns'k (Ukraine) — 400 km
- Krasnodar — 402 km
- Kirovohrad (Ukraine) — 410 km
- Constanța (Romania) — 420 km
- Zonguldak (Turkey) — 420 km
- Pavlohrad (Ukraine) — 422 km
- Chisinau (Moldova) — 434 km
Distance to neighboring capitals:
- Bucharest (Romania) — 613 km
- Kyiv (Ukraine) — 660 km
- Tbilisi (Georgia) — 956 km
- Yerevan (Armenia) — 1022 km
- Minsk (Belarus) — 1094 km
- Warsaw (Poland) — 1240 km
- Vilnius (Lithuania) — 1243 km
- Rīga (Latvia) — 1496 km
- Prague (Czech Republic) — 1559 km
- Tallinn (Estonia) — 1723 km
- Helsinki (Finland) — 1794 km
- Tehran (Iran) — 1806 km
- Stockholm (Sweden) — 1919 km
- Mariehamn (Åland Islands) — 1921 km
- Oslo (Norway) — 2262 km
- Astana (Kazakhstan) — 2849 km
- Kathmandu (Nepal) — 4903 km
- Khan-Uul (Mongolian) — 5390 km
- Beijing (China) — 6501 km
- Hanoi (Vietnam) — 6982 km
- Pyongyang (North Korea) — 7204 km
- Seoul (South Korea) — 7389 km
Distance to the capital
Distance to the capital (Moscow) is about — 1232 km.